(the) creation of images regardless of which form changes(;)
(it) changes our view of a world
our world (>>SPACE>>) whose image everyone is carrying himself(.)
my world my ever-widening image of the world
and(DELETE>> that<<)
this my image of the world constantly and continuously changes
i mean the reason itself that the world is constantly changing right now
(is)exactly this (the) originality (OR>> disposition<< OR>> character<<) of nature
refuses the illusion of a static image
the constant natural(DELETE>>ly<<) change in the world
the constant natural(DELETE>>ly<<) change of the image of the world of my world
(DELETE>>this change<<) is changing not only the image of my world
but me the image of myself (DELETE>>and<<)
do I change the image of myself (do)i also change the image of my world
do I create images which change(DELETE>>s<<) myself
(do) i create images which change(DELETE>>s<<) the world
(DELETE>>and<<) not only artists create images
(RECONSIDER???>>and the image itself is formed by
no<<???OR DELETE?) also images create artists
they are mutually dependent.
(DELETE>>and<<) an image of an artist is not really an image of an artist
(DELETE>>no<<) an image of an artist
an image of (a) human
every artist is a human as we all know
the image of (a) human
and (DELETE>>also<<)
the image of an artist
are mutually dependent.
The image of the artist is the image of (man) human
and every human is an artist.
if i change my image of my world,
i change my image of myself,
(if) i change my image as an artist in the world,
i change my image of artists in the world,(and)
i change my image of humans in the world
i change.
if i change my image of humans in the world
i change my image of human worlds.
and (if) i change and that’s what I’m doing right now
i change not only(>>>>SPACE>>>>) my Image of humans in the world of human worlds
no i change yours as well
right now.
if my picture of my world changes your picture of your world
(DELETE>>and<<) as an image-maker you should be really aware ! of
you should be really conscious ! about
we do not only create images we create worlds
and everyone creates his own world
again and again and again and everyone does this right now.
We change because we are human because we are (???>>the/part of the<<???) world
and I write this with consciousness
(be)cause I do not believe that we are (an) image of (a) human & (an) image of (a) world
but I (REPLACE>>think>>WITH>>believe <<) that one of them does not exclude the other
(DELETE>>does<<) everyone creates his own world right now
so he is (REPLACE>>gonna>>WITH going to<<) change the world right now.
every single one of us
but(>>>>SPACE>>>>) not everyone in this world has the right to create images
even though this right is a fundamental right of people
not everyone is allowed to
Even (though) everyone does it everyone changes (be aware;) every day
well of course (DELETE>>he does<<) he does it constantly
and mainly he does it right now and he does it because
he is alive
but not everyone in this world has this right the right (REPLACE>>of>>WITH>>to<<) change
the right to live in this world
(RECONSIDER>>not everyone is allowed to<<REPEAT)
(DELETE>>and<<) one of (the) several justifications of this prohibition
and a thereby gained right namely the right to kill
to kill consciously
or not
that are images. (?????>>>the right to createimages<<<???)
rather it (WHAT?) is the seeing of images as images
and only as images
and we do so every time we make an image of (a) human
out of a (DELETE>><<) human being
or even worse
when we hide
the human being
behind the image